One of my lovely clients shared this with me. It was very representative of their experience.
[visual-link-preview encoded=”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”]
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Take the First Step Towards Healing
If you're struggling with complex trauma, don't face it alone. Contact me today and start your journey to trauma recovery.
How Do I Work With Trauma?
What is Trauma? In my practice, I use a broad definition of trauma, to include both Large 'T' and Small 't' traumas. Large 'T' trauma is what most people think of when prompted by the word trauma; experiences like car accidents, sexual assault, physical assault, war...
What is emotional regulation?
Emotional regulation, emotional dysregulation...have you heard any of these terms? They are being used a lot in the world of psychology lately. But what do they really mean? I suspect there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Emotional regulation IS NOT being...
How to deal with an anxiety attack
When you're on you're way to a full scale anxiety attack, it can feel impossible to turn it around. Trust me, I've been there. Even with all my knowledge as a psychologist it has been hard for me to cope when I'm having one. But I've finally discovered a way that...