One of my lovely clients shared this with me. It was very representative of their experience.


[visual-link-preview encoded=”eyJ0eXBlIjoiZXh0ZXJuYWwiLCJwb3N0IjowLCJwb3N0X2xhYmVsIjoiIiwidXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9yZWFsbGlmZWNvbWljcy5jb20vIiwiaW1hZ2VfaWQiOi0xLCJpbWFnZV91cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3JlYWxsaWZlY29taWNzLmNvbS9pbWFnZXMvbG9nby5wbmciLCJ0aXRsZSI6IlJlYWwgTGlmZSBDb21pY3MgwqkxOTk5LTIwMjIgTWFlIERlYW4iLCJzdW1tYXJ5IjoiQSBkYWlseSBvbmxpbmUgY29taWMgYWJvdXQgdGhlIG5vcm1hbCBsaXZlcyBvZiBzb21lIGFibm9ybWFsIHBlb3BsZS4gU3RpbGwgcHJldHR5IG9rYXkgZm9yIG92ZXIgMjIgeWVhcnMgYW5kIGNvdW50aW5nLiBCeSBNYWUgRGVhbi4iLCJ0ZW1wbGF0ZSI6InVzZV9kZWZhdWx0X2Zyb21fc2V0dGluZ3MifQ==”]


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