Trauma and the brain
Understanding the impact of trauma on the brain helps us understand why we get stuck in the trauma and get tricked into thinking we are constantly unsafe. Our brain and nervous system is a complex and finely tuned network designed to protect us from danger. However,...
Small t Traumas and Large T Traumas
Small t Traumas and Large T Traumas Some categorise traumas into Small t and Large T traumas. These categories help draw attention to the fact that smaller but repeated traumas are just as, if not more, deeply impactful than the obvious and concrete larger, or single...
Ambivalent and avoidant attachment
Attachment is a concept that is spoken about a lot. Formed in the earliest years of our lives, it goes on to impact us for a lifetime. Yet it is surprisingly difficult to find any reading material that goes beyond infants to how it impacts adults in relationships....
A Transgender Journey
A Transgender Journey: Juliet Jacques Juliet Jacques wrote a series of posts for The Guardian newspaper about her transition journey. While everyone's experience will be different, there may be aspects of Juliet's path that resonate with yours. ...
On Being Trans Enough: A Different Take
On Being Trans Enough: A Different Take Before I begin. I'm cisgender, a psychologist, and relatively new to understanding trans issues. I hope what I share is helpful to some. I acknowledge my privilege and inevitable ignorance as a cisgendered person. I'm mindful...
A Webcomic by Mae Dean
One of my lovely clients shared this with me. It was very representative of their experience. [visual-link-preview...
Gender identity and Subconscious Sex
Suzanne Hall. Clinical Psychologist, BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clin). Suzanne (she/her) practises in Doncaster East, Victoria, Australia. She has advanced training in Emotion Focused Therapy, Trauma and Dissocation, and Transgender Mental Health. She welcomes people from...
How Do I Work With Trauma?
What is Trauma? In my practice, I use a broad definition of trauma, to include both Large 'T' and Small 't' traumas. Large 'T' trauma is what most people think of when prompted by the word trauma; experiences like car accidents, sexual assault, physical assault, war...
What is emotional regulation?
Emotional regulation, emotional dysregulation...have you heard any of these terms? They are being used a lot in the world of psychology lately. But what do they really mean? I suspect there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Emotional regulation IS NOT being...
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Take the First Step Towards Healing
If you're struggling with complex trauma, don't face it alone. Contact me today and start your journey to trauma recovery.